To Vietnam to be exact.
I am about to finish my Master 1 at the École du Louvre and after I hand in my thesis, do my defense and nab that diploma I will be on an airplane to Saigon to work as a junior editorial assistant for an International publishing house called Sirrocco Parkstone.
I'm a bit nervous about the transition and sad to leave my lovely city of Paris (don't worry, i'll be back)...but very excited at the same time. I spend my days either working on my thesis or researching Vietnamese life. Apparently it takes 10 minutes to cross the street in the city because the drivers are insane...hmm, the food is supposed to be delicious and on top of that good for you! and the whole country is basically on the beach.
I'm also hoping to get work on some more of my more Richard Avedon, lets go National Geographic!
Soon I'll look like these guys...