Tuesday, October 21, 2008

at the lycée

Right now I am at work strenuously typing on a french keyboard to make this post. I have an hour in between the classes I teach and, therefore, I must blog.

The past week has just been spent getting into a routine of school and work...Over the weekend I went to the countryside AGAIN (i love it there) and spent my time working on various art projects including a moulage of Jérome's hand. He is teaching me how to play Chess...and I love it, I cant wait until I can actually play well.

Tonight I am going to my favorite contemporary art museum the Palais de Tokyo which is near the Eiffel Tower. It only costs me 1 euro and they always have crazy exhibits. We will definitely be taking pictures in the Photomaton and I may have to buy some cool art book...because they have an awesome bookstore; and as always we wxill probably do our little photo shoot thing and take cool pictures in the exhibit, which I will post asap..along with the Nuit Blanche photos I promised like 5 million years ago.

In Food news:

Jérome took me to a mexican restaurant here in Paris that was actually very good. Of course it was nothing like the real Mexican food Im used to, but it was very gourmet and tasty, and i had a yummy margarita and an agua fresca Jamaica.

Lately though because I am a lazy ass, I dont like going to the grocery store so I just eat cereal in my room or get a croissant aux amandes at the boulangerie. What happens is I eat super good over the weekends in the country and then I eat crap during the week..

well, back to work...

I should have a more interesting life right?

1 comment:

Colleen said...

amandes = schmear?

start eating more, skinny bitch.
