I'm typically one of those people who just makes some sort of general resolution for the new year. This year, I didn't even think about it to be honest until Jérôme asked me when I got home to Paris yesterday. I thought about it for a second and my answer was "to have an even better year than the last one"....pretty easy to accomplish right? so we'll see.
Another resolution might be: "keep my blog updated"
I just got back from a warm and sunny San Antonio Christmas, and this freezing Paris weather is going to take some getting used to. I've been cooped up in my studio since my return sauf for a trip to the grocery store and dinner last night at an Indian restaurant that I foolishly walked to in my converse. Converse=holes on the side of the sole=icicle feet.
This last semester has flown by with my 8 classes and work I didnt have that much time for blogging. So here's a short update:
Basically, the Louvre rocks. I love it...no matter how freaking hard it is.
All my anglophone friends decided to leave Paris permanently...boo.
My bathroom is covered in black mold.
I'm writing a thesis on the representation of Hinduism in the museum collection
I have a new baby niece, Tatiana.
I have a new job watching a little boy called Max that starts on Monday.
I started knitting a bright orange scarf, but i keep messing it up.
In about a week, I have my finals coming up for the semester and I'm really nervous about it. I've made about a million notecards. Too bad my writing in French is equivalent to that of a 15 year old. After exam/hell week the second semester starts and all my classes are going to be seminars instead of lectures and theyre going to be held in the C2RMF conservation laboratory in the Louvre.
After watching Julie & Julia for the 3rd time I'm seriusly considering writing a food blog. I love food. I love making food. I love eating food. and food is way more interesting than what I write about on a regular basis....problem is, I dont think I have the discipline for it, so I guess I'll just stick to googling Paula Dean recipes and cooking to ease my stress.
I think I'm going to do these next:

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