Now for what everyone has been waiting for! Pictures of my new tattoo!! Here they are folks, ENJOY:):):)

There it is, a crazy colored star...it's on my upper inner thigh. I dont know if a lot of people will like it, but I love it...and thats what matters. The artist was so funny...he lets his like 5 year old sun give him tattoos..so he has these random scribble tattoos on his body. I guess their not really into body conservation.
Now for the rest of the week:
I havent updated in a couple days, sorry. Last night I went to an art gallery near Les Halles called Gallery Kennory Kim and the current exposition is called Patrick Jannin "Sacre & Massacre"....the art was pretty interesting..a blend of 1950's big eyed girls and german expressionism, but definitely that underworld feel and style. The art, I believe, was mostly about sexuality and whether most of our sexual desires are considered "faux pas"....anyway it was graphic and interesting. I would like to go back and see what the next exhibit will be like.
Today, I am going to the Musée Maillol to check it out since I could possibly maybe hopefully have an internship there at some point. Right now their main exhibit is a contemporary chinese artist...i forget the name.
Tomorrow we are heading to Mont Saint Michel for the weekend so there probably wont be any new updates until I get back. We're leaving at like 7am by Denefert..like last time. Fortunately this time we are just staying at Mont Saint Michel, so there wont be that 293357 hours in the bus thing. Anyway, I'm excited to go back and get me some crèpes and cider.
My latest YouTube discovery....this might have to be a weekly theme. The other day I happened to stumble upon a comedian who does comedy parodies on YouTube named Deven Green.....hilarious. Here is my favorite one and y'all can let me know what you think...
I think you'll laugh.
ha i do enjoy those videos
i'm so happy about your tattoo!
i can't wait til i have money to get one!
i absolutely LOVE the new tattoo!!! it's so much cooler than the normal "star" that everyone and their mother gets. it's very unique.
i'm getting another one this weekend. tomorrow to be exact. in the area where my arm bends, opposite of my elbow (what the hell is that called? haha)!!!! i'm getting sanskrit.
i'll add pictures! xx
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