Monday, September 22, 2008


so i would like to start off by saying sorry to those who ready my blog and found that the link in my last entry did not work...because for some reason ALL of the Deven Green videos on YouTube are now gone...forever apparently which is really unfortunate. DESOLÉE everyone.

so in other news:
Last weekend we had out first group "excursion" to Normandy, which is in northern France. We visited a seaside town called Saint Malo on Saturday and explored the old fortress and ate delicious crèpes and drank equally delicious apple cider. Jérôme bought me a present while we were there...a gigantic set of hot pink headphones that look like this:

Even though they are extremely large, I think they're really cool, and they have great sound quality.

After our little journée in Saint Malo we went to our hotel near Mont Saint Michel and had a big group dinner followed by a like 3 hour long game of movie sherrades...which was hilarious espescially since our director played with us.

Yesterday we spent the day at Mont Saint Michel, and amazing island in Normandy that is famous for it's huge Abbey at the top. The island is basically a hill and everything leads up to the Abbey...and it's absolutely beautiful. I went last year, but I'm very happy that I got to see it again.
We had a tour guide show us through the village and also through the entire Abbey whichw as nice since we didn't get to have a tour guide last year. It was even better because he spoke with a british accent reminescent of Monty Python and he was wearing sandals with socks. We ate lunch at this fancy senior citizens restaraunt with an amazing view. On our way back to Paris we stopped and visited a cider making factory and learned how they make the famous French apple cider. I bought 6 bottles and 2 bottles of their apple juice! All in all the trip was a success, I had a lot of fun and became closer to some of the people in the group.

I am in desperate need of a frido, I still can only buy non-perishable food because my frigo is in Combreaux. Hopefully this weekend we will be making a trip there to pick up all my kitchen items. I think on Wednesday I am going to sign up for my classes at Paris 8...there are so many cool art classes I can take..I have to decide, but there is a Bande Dessinées studio class...which would be really cool. Okay off au lit.....à plus

Right now there are girls catfighting in the hallway....oh dorm life.


Anonymous said...

I am Deven and my videos are still all up! You scared me though - oh mon dieux :)
Your friend, Deven

Caroline said...

i can't believe your favorite skit comedian wrote on your blog!!!! now be a friend, and leave me a comment.